North Eastern Meccano Society

Shildon - May 2022
(Page 2)

As usual we held an exhibition at the Locomotion Museum at Shildon on May 28/29th 2022. Here is a second selection of photos from that show.

Pictures from Locomotion at Shildon - May 2022 (2)

High resolution versions of the photos are also available to view or download if desired. In most browsers clicking on a thumbnail, will make that image stay on the webpage and you can then click on the link to get the high resolution version.

At the bottom of the page there are three videos showing some of the models at this exhibition. (N.B. the same videos are also on page 1 of this exhibition's photo gallery).

Tip - You may find it better to view the pictures in 'full screen' mode - For most browsers F11 will toggle this on and off.

Select A Video

Shildon (Locomotion) 2022 (part 1) by Alex Robson

Shildon (Locomotion) 2022 (part 2) by Alex Robson

Shildon (Locomotion) 2022 (part 3) by Alex Robson

The video can go full screen by pressing the bottom right hand icon on the video display window.